We all need time apart from those we love
Do you provide care and support for someone you live with? Having a break away from the person you support can give you both a change of scene, so you can come back together refreshed.
Are you supported by a family member? Sometimes it is nice to spend time with someone different, or stay in a different place.
What is Shared Lives?
Shared Lives is for someone who needs support and wants to live in a family home environment, it’s a bit like foster care - but for adults. Ategi will carefully match you with one of our Shared Lives carers, who share their home and family, supporting you to develop your skills, work towards your goals and to be more independent. You could spend the day, stay for a short break, or move in - it’s completely flexible to your needs.
Short Breaks
This is for people who want to have short-breaks away from their normal home. You can stay in the carers’ home and they will give you all the help you need.
Short breaks are overnight stays that can be for one night, for a few days or a week, or maybe even longer depending on the circumstances and what you need.
It might be just once, or you may go for regular short-breaks.
It could be close to home, or further away as a mini-holiday.
Do you want to find out more about our services?
What is the process?
1. Contact us
Call one of our friendly team to find our more. You can tell us about the person who is looking for support and the support they are looking for.
2. Referral
If your support is paid for by adult social care, please speak to your social worker about a referral for a Shared Lives short break.
If you have Direct Payments, or pay for your own care, please discuss this with one of our team.
3. Matching
We work hard to match people looking for support with the right carer. This includes thinking about who else lives in the carer's home and where the home is.
4. Introductions
The carer and person supported (and their family if appropriate) would meet. If introductions go well on all sides the first short break can be set up.
5. Short break
The person would go and stay for their first short break. Our coordinators are available if any support is needed.
6. Review
Our coordinators would review the Short Break with the person supported and the carer to see how it went. If successful, it could be the start of a regular short breaks arrangement.