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Fundraising ideas

Getting started

There are plenty of fun and creative ways to raise money. The key is to find an idea that resonates with you and your community, ensuring it will be both enjoyable and effective. If you're still planning the perfect fundraising activity, here are a few exciting ideas to get you started...

  • Give something up – sugar, alcohol, tea, coffee, driving to work, buying clothes you don’t need
  • Organise a clothes swap or craft sale
  • Take part in a sponsored challenge or team challenge
  • Organise a pub quiz or karaoke night
  • Organise a 'Come Dine With Me' with a group of friends
  • Hold a jumble sale/car boot sale
  • Organise a sponsored walk
  • Organise a music event
  • Organise an event e.g. auction event, a tea dance or a cake sale

For more ideas ‘google’ ‘charity fundraising ideas’, you will be spoilt for choice!

“Ategi is a charity that provides support and care for people with disabilities, and I am honoured to be able to contribute to their cause. As someone who has witnessed first-hand the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, I know how important it is to have access to the right resources and support.”


Get in touch!

For more information about the difference that Ategi makes for adults with support needs and to discuss your fundraising idea contact our Fundraising Manager Sheleagh:



Read our fundraising stories below for more ideas!

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